Saturday, June 22, 2013

C4T # 2

I have the privilege of reading the Middle School Matrix blog by Hadley Ferguson. The most recent post entitled "It All Comes Together #PBL" written on June 4, 2013, was a follow up post from a post he had written on May 21, 2013, entitled "Craziest History Class Ever! #PBL". In the June 4th post he gives the results of his project based learning project he had assigned his students. He explains how much work it was, and how much the class took to the project. He also states that it was a learning process even for himself. He then gives examples of all the student work and showed how successful they were.

For this post I commented, telling him about our course and that it is strictly project based learning. I explained that I found his post very interesting and then thanked him for sharing.

Project produced be a student in Hadley Ferguson's class
This is a picture of one of his student's work.

His May 21st post, was written explaining the project. He explains that he explained the project to his students.Their assignment was to design and create a store, fully equipped with a store sign, slogan, and merchandise. He then split the class into two groups and assigned each student in the group a role to play. He explains that he directed the students to discuss their ideas and then sat back and watched them work. He explains that from time to time he would give ideas and ask questions, but otherwise it was student driven.

In my comment I mentioned that the fact he gave roles to his students was a great idea. I also stated that explaining to them that they would have to display their work would give them a since of pride in what they created. He had asked for ideas to replace his store maintenance role, so I suggested that the new role be sales representatives. I told him that I work in a doctors office and that is how products are sold there. I said that it will also help with public speaking if he could convince other teachers to allow his students to come to their classrooms to sell their products. I then thanked him for sharing his ideas.


  1. Interesting PBL project. Allowing the students to go to other classrooms to sell their products would hold them accountable for quality work. Good idea.

  2. Hadley is a she in this case. The name Hadley is used by both males and females. My father was named Hadley. So am I and my son. I have two granddaughters named Hadley. One of Hemingway's wives was named Hadley.

    Project based learning at work. Are you going to make use of them in your lesson plans?
